The basis of our failing state
As we foolishly change fate
To suit our personal taste
Yet we know it's a waste

A waste of time and resources
A degenerative process
That doesn't progress
But rather retrogress

Retrogress to animosity
Even in bare publicity
We castigate our society
To the abyss of ethnicity

Ethnicity based on insult
Even when we try consult
We all know the end result
It'l all be about tribal fault

Fault  that my tribe better than yours
That land, money, resources are ours
Regardless of all the contours 
With my man in power, everything concurs

We say we the youth,our time is now
We must change narrative and not follow
Divisive politicians who are shallow
But our resolve with conviction follow

Conviction that things must get better
Because its our lives that now matter
Lest we end up collecting the clutter
After we destroy our very own butter

Today I say no to negative ethnicity
And vow to embrace ethnic positivity
All tribes under one Kenyan nationality
Under the protection of our God Almighty



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