We Must Take A Stand!

 We must stand together or perish as fools.

These crooks are stealing even money for schools

They tender for machines but supply tools

We must take a stand!

For how long shall we stand and watch them loot.

Or the thorn doesn't hurt if it not on my foot!

We have to remove the tree together with the root.

We must take a stand!

If the theft doesn't bother you, you're an accomplice

You secretly wish you could have a slice

You're shall forever remain a disgrace

We must take a stand!

We need a paradigm shift and deliberate action

We must put a stop to this wanton corruption

These looters must be sentenced to eternal damnation

We must take a stand!

The time is now for the masses to take a stand

We mustn't let these criminals lead by command

But together our taxes we must defend

We must take a stand!


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