People Issues

People issues, oh people issues, 

They come in all shapes and all sizes. 

Some are big and some are small, 

But they all can make us feel so small.


The way we talk, the things we say,

Can hurt someone in such a way, 

That scars may last for years to come, 

And we may never know what we've done.


We fight and argue, point and blame, 

And sometimes we forget why we came. 

Together, as one, we can achieve so much, 

But it takes understanding and a gentle touch.


We all have struggles, we all have pain, 

But it's important to remember to refrain, 

From judging or hurting those we meet, 

For we never know what they may be facing on the street.


So let's be kind, let's be fair, 

Let's show compassion and that we care. 

People issues, oh people issues, 

Can be resolved when we share tissues.


Let's work together, let's unite, 

And make this world a better sight. 

For people issues may come and go, 

But with love and kindness, we can grow.


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