Our Choices, Our Lives
Life is a journey we embark,
With every step, a choice we mark,
For in our choices, we leave a spark,
That shapes our destiny, hits the mark.
For life is a sum of all our choices,
A tapestry woven with our voices,
And in each choice, a million voices,
That shape the story, with all its nuances.
We choose to love, to hate, to forgive,
To hold onto grudges or let them live,
We choose to speak the truth or deceive,
To stand up for what's right or to leave.
And every choice we make, in turn,
Becomes a part of who we learn,
To be in this life, a sum that we earn,
A legacy that one day we'll discern.
So let us choose with care and thought,
To live a life that counts for naught,
For in the end, what we have wrought,
Will be the sum of what we've fought.
May we choose to love, to give, to serve,
To live a life that's true and preserved,
For in our choices, we create the curve,
That shapes the life we've been conferred.
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