The Tragedy Of Digital Generation

Am I lucky or unfortunate.
Am I proud or ashamed.
What do I stand for?
Am I living on my parents shadow?
Or my independent thought?!
I knew how to use a computer before I joined school.
I am the digital generation.

I believe in my self. I can Google anything!
In short I know everything. Huh!
I have all the information!
But what do I really know?
I am the digital generation.

This is not my story.
But the story of our generation.
The informed generation that knows nothing.
That know much about computers,music,cars than basic humanity.
That understand none other than those in their 'circles'.
That only re-tweet the people they know even when they write sh*t.
That un follow and block those who write sense.
I am the digital generation.

We care about where we worship than how we worship.
We hangout at certain places with certain people.
Where our status will be recognized and appreciated
where we talk brands and trends
We are the digital generation.

We claim to understand economics,history and politics
But don't give a crap about them.
We wonder why sane people engage  in petty politics
We falsely think we're immune to sociopolitical processes
We understand the meaning of respect and dignity but practice none.
We are the digital generation.

We are selfless and selfish at the same time.
We eloquently talk of voting but never vote
We are busy making deals and money
We are the generation that will be judged harshly
For not fighting for justice.
We are the digital generation

A generation at cross roads,
Enlightened but entangled in confusion
Liberated but chained in subjectivity
Easily compromised for short lived gratifications
Activists preaching water but drunk in triblism
Conscious in mind yet cowards in deeds!


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