Comic Paradoxes of Life

In the grand theater of life's parade,

A paradoxical dance we all have played,

Where laughter and irony waltz hand in hand,

Let me regale you with a comic command.


Life's paradoxes, oh, they're quite absurd,

Like finding "lost" keys in your pocket undisturbed,

Or searching for glasses perched on your head,

These daily dilemmas, filling us with dread.


You chase happiness, like a mischievous cat,

Yet it hides in the nooks, where you don't look at,

While stress and worries, they cling with delight,

Like a never-ending battle, a comedic fight.


You're told to relax, let go of your fears,

But then life throws lemons, and they sting your ears,

As you squeeze them for lemonade, sweet and tart,

But forget the sugar, and the taste will depart.


Love, too, presents its own comic twist,

A paradoxical puzzle hard to resist,

When you find the one, your heart's desire,

They snore like a foghorn, setting the house on fire.


You seek fortune and fame, a glamorous quest,

But end up rich with credit card debt, lest

You fall for the lure of sales and bargains grand,

Buying things you don't need, just 'cause they're at hand.


Time, that elusive creature, marches on,

With seconds, minutes, hours, forever gone,

As you yearn for more, it slips through your grasp,

Leaving you pondering the present's fast gasp.


Thus, here we stand, in life's paradoxical rhyme,

Dancing through laughter, one step at a time,

Embracing the quirks, the twists and the turns,

For in comedy's dance, true wisdom we learn.


Therefore, let us laugh and revel in life's comedy,

Embrace the absurdity, with glee and jollity,

For in the paradoxes that life presents,

We find joy and humor, the truest of intents.


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